Maybe She’s Born With It???

We all know her – the woman who seems to have it all. She’s effortless. She’s elegant. She’s rich from family money and has several prescriptions for drugs that are illegal in Europe. How DOES she do it?!?!? We’re frankly obsessed with this perfect sketch from Elizabeth McDonough and the New Yorker.

The Best Dang Tweets Of The Week

It’s the end of the week, and the good news is that if you had eye damage from the eclipse you would know it by now!


So put those healthy lil eyeballs to good use and enjoy this week’s most hilarious tweets. And don’t forget to follow these extremely funny ladies once you’re done.















Geography For Racists

How to describe how much we love Lilly Singh? She’s the funniest, the badassiest, and now it turns out that she’s a top notch educator too. In this epic burn filled four minutes, Superwoman utterly destroys dumb internet racists with a simple lesson in geography.

Maya. Emma. Tubs of Butter.

We’re so lucky to live in a world with butter. It makes toast bearable, it lubes up ears of corn, it’s the secret ingredient behind croissants (croissants of course being proof that God loves us).

And now because of Maya & Marty, we know that butter tubs are the perfect accompaniment to the gorgeous voices of two of the funniest women ever to live, Maya Rudolph and Emma Stone.

Thank you, butter, for all that you do.