Delighting an audience of millions with a daily dose of laughter, WhoHaha creates connections, experiences, and content that uplifts women+ and engages through levity and comedy.
Case Studies
WhoHaha partners with innovative companies to develop opportunities for women and gender-expansive creators in comedy to bring ideas to life. We aim to change the comedy landscape through branded campaigns, community connections, mentorship, and resources.
WhoHaha’s wheelhouse is women+ driven, women+ created content. We bring smart, funny, ideas to life by delivering the right content to the right audience, and connecting creators, platforms, and partners. WhoHaha is your comedy matchmaker.
WhoHaha partners with brands, creators, and digital platforms to create funny, relevant content that reaches millions. On a mission to support women and gender-expansive creators in comedy, WhoHaha centers women+ in front of the camera, behind the scenes, and in the audience. We celebrate the WHO behind the HAHA.