Tilda’s Coconut Curry Clone. Chicken. Chicken Clone.

But seriously, who doesn’t like to open up a greeting card full of broccoli florets!

From weirdo genius Beth Hoyt, we bring you a fun whimsical recipe created by the British forest elf known to humans as Tilda Swinton. Don’t forget the sugar snap PEEEEEEEAS!



Tilda Swinton’s Morning Routine

There’s no denying that Tilda Swinton is one of the most fascinating people on the planet. If you ever find yourself wondering, “Hmmmm, I wonder what Tilda Swinton does when she wakes up in the morning?” YOU’RE NOT ALONE. Beth Hoyt takes us through the step-by-step morning routine of Tilda, and we are very thankful for this insider look.