Finally, A Rom Com About Settling!

Sometimes in this dating climate, a lady just gets… tired. Tired of trying to find the perfect mate, or even just someone who doesn’t ghost you after four months. It’s enough to make a girl pick the least bad dude she can find and roll with it. Which is precisely the premise of Amy Wieseneck’s new sketch, starring Amy and Ben Dietzel as unlikely lovahs. It’s the first truly 2018 rom com, and we love it.

If The Internet Was Nice For A Day

The internet is mean af. All you have to do is type a symptom into WebMD or write the words ‘I am a woman’ on Twitter and you’ll see the dark side of the information age. But what if we lived in a wacky alternative universe where people were nice to each other on the internet and you didn’t constantly think you were dying? That would be… really nice.