Mawwiage! It’s the most powerful expression of the union between two people. Also, it’s very weird and insane and sometimes the other person thinks they can ask you for weird stuff in bed. It’s *sniff* it’s beautiful.
Point your Snapchat camera at this image to follow Whohaha!
There’s a reason great romantic movies always end with marriage. It’s cuz the stuff that comes after isn’t as cute as watching Kate Hudson prance around in A-line dresses. And this snippet from Erika Curry proves that even movie monsters like the Frankensteins aren’t immune to the ups and downs of wedded bliss.
Because the scariest thing of all… is commitment.
Happy Labor Day everybody! Ah yes, the day where we’re either at our jobs that don’t actually give time off for holidays, or we’re at our home jobs where we take care of our families. Gotta love those last bummer days of summer!
It may not be a real holiday, but it’s the perfect time to celebrate this hilarrrious sketch from our fave Honora Talbott. Turns out the cool thing about having it all is not actually doing any of it well!
Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today.
Jk, actually Jackie Kashian is what brings us together. She’s been doing standup comedy for a long long time, which is a lil part of why she’s one of the funniest comics in the game today. We respect the heck out of Jackie K, and we friggin love her material on dating, nerds, loving nerds, spoons, pets, and crazy LA weirdos.
Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher are two of our favorite comedians. They’re also married to each other. If that’s not a perfect sitcom premise, like what even is???
The first episode of their Seeso series Take My Wife just dropped on, and it is the most charming and funny and good thing we’ve seen in a long time. Dontcha just love love?
Two time Emmy-nominated short form series. A typical workplace comedy. About abortion. Filmed with an all-female crew. Watch the full season on the WhoHaha app!