9 Ways Holidays With Family Are Just Like 'Cabin In The Woods'

9 Ways Holidays With Family Are Just Like ‘Cabin In The Woods’

Sure, you love your family. But there are moments with your kin folk over the holiday break that feel like being trapped in some kind of horror-comedy. Oh hey, kind of like the movie The Cabin In The Woods!

We noticed that there are a whole bunch of similarities between the Whedon classic and our family homes during the holidays. It’s kind of spooky, actually. Almost as if someone is… planning it? Anyway, enjoy finding these gifs a little ~too~ relatable!


1. You bring your new boo home for the holidays and travel drama has you like…


2. Your mom thinks it’s fine to barge into your room while you’re changing even though you’re a grown adult now…


3. Everyone gets mad at your for spilling the wine and you’re just like…


4. You have to try not to comment on your aunt’s very obvious plastic surgery…


5. Your elderly relative gets you some weird flea market present and you’re tempted to throw it across the room like…


6. You try to relate to your little cousins but remember you don’t know how to act around children…


7. It suddenly hits you that you’re related to these weirdos…


8. Someone suggests morning mimosas and you’re like…


9.Your friends show up after the family party to attack the leftovers…