The Very Best Tweets Of The Week

The Very Best Tweets Of The Week

Another week, another group of funny women absolutely slaying the game in 140 characters. Truly, we are blessed to be living in the age of the internet.

Read these funny tweets, laugh so loud you freak out everyone in your office, and don’t forget to share with your friends.



Let’s all be freaks everywhere! Let your freak bra fly!




YOWZA could someone please send this tweet to the president, hopefully his head explodes.




World, may we present to you the weirdest ever tweet.


You could have had oncological radiation but nooooo you needed avocado!


Hahaha wife me up!!!



We nominate Amber for president of everything.


Next year’s Oscars please please make this happen!!!


Love is real, love is pure.


She’s the hero we need. She’s… The Bigot Smasher.


Your baby seems trill as heck.