Ok so the world is 90% garbage. But sometimes to keep going you just gotta take a deep breath, laugh a loud laugh, and watch a corgi shaking its weird butt.
May these tweets make it all seem a little more tolerable, bbs.
On the one hand it’s mean to celebrate the end of a relationship, on the other hand THIS TWEET THO.
Pumpkin Spice Latte season is also Eat An Entire Medium Pizza Alone season.
— ? (@Sassafrantz) September 21, 2016
We’d buy the shit out of this on Etsy.
Turns out modern life is just one big cringe.
Congratulations are in order to Ms Pavlas for winning the internet.
Wow @kmay with the helpful advice.
What store is this, we need this item badly.
This has us crying. Cryyyiiiiing.
Omg someone please get this poor child 7 more hot dogs stat.
‘Oh don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here DYING IN THIS MALL’
No but US newspapers did enjoy talking about how calm the traffic was in Nazi Germany, so that’s not great.
Lol forever at dudes who think women are ‘catty’, honestly.
Ah yes, how fine it would be to be in Merrye Oldye Englandeeeee.
Stop. Read this joke again. It’s perfect.
Hell yeah little baby, you werk for the weekend!!!