When Your Life Is One Big Olympic Fail

Some days you’re like an Olympic athlete, sleekly gliding to the finish line, performing like a well-oiled machine. Other days you’re like an Olympic athlete, embarrassing your country in front of millions of viewers. This post is about the second kind of day.

And don’t worry, we checked on the athletes who star in these gifs and they’re all fine.



1. When you finally work up the nerve to ask someone out and mid-sentence they tell you they’re not interested…


2. When some devil lady says ‘nice top’ and then laughs as she walks away..


3. When your work wife tells your boss that your amazing new proposal was her idea…


4. When you think you aced a social interaction and then realize you had an entire lettuce leaf in your front teeth…


5. When a friend tries to make you feel better by saying ‘at least you… um… have really good hair?’


6. When your Tinder date is going great and then for no reason you start talking about your exes and oh god no why am I doing this???


7. When you wake up and read the headlines and realize today is going to be a complete loss…


8. When you are literally the only one in your friend group who can’t get their shit together…


But here’s the thing babies. Remember that no matter how bad it seems, you will end up living life as purely and powerfully as this athlete practicing to hold the torch. This too shall pass, kween.