Weekly Roundup of the Funniest Freakin Tweets

Weekly Roundup of the Funniest Freakin Tweets

We are done with the conventions and the weekend is almost here. If that’s not a reason to celebrate with some funny tweets, honestly, what even is???


We’ll do yoga every day Michelle pleeeeeaaassseeee.


Does your family have an emergency plan in case of this very real and genuine emergency?


What’s the word for rage+grief+despair. Riefspair?


Don’t wanna know about anything that happened at Comic Con other than this, ok? Ok.


Grangran noooooooooooooo!!!


Never forget (your hollow useless childhood triumphs).




This is our new favorite text.


Also us grocery shopping well into our 30’s hahahhahaha oops!


Sometimes loving a show means knowing it will let you down. Maybe not this time tho?

How DO they do it??


Who’s a good boy? Who wants a treat? Tom Hardy’s a good boy!


Welp, time to start trolling every smart outspoken man on the internet!


IN SPITE OF THEIR WEAK MALE BODIES they really have done a bang up job.