A Spooky Tight 5 for October

Need something other than stale candy corn and Friday the 13th movies to get you through the week until Halloween? We got you covered. This week on Tight 5, our girl Alex Lynn Ward is here to tell you about your new favorite grandma movie, a webseries that’ll have you shaking in your boots, a comedian on Twitter who’s so funny it’s scary, a crafty new series starring our favorite angel Amy Sedaris, and a podcast that’ll tear your favorite things to shreds.

You Gotta Check Out This Week’s Tight Five

You want the funny? We got the funny, honey. We’re bringing you the five tightest things happening this week in the world of female hilarity. This week we’re talking about Lea Michele’s new show The Mayor, the My Little Pony Movie, the quirky web series Janny Jelly, Tamara Yajia’s Twitter account, and Nikki Glaser’s new tour.

You Need To See Our Tight Five

Welcome to Tight Five! Each week, we’ll be rounding up the five things you absolutely NEED to know about. We’re talking movies, tv, stand-up, live shows, podcasts, and basically any medium where funny women are kicking ass. Tune in as Alex Lynn Ward gives you the scoop!