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Our highly scientific and 100% Certified Fair Trade quiz will answer the question you’ve always wanted to ask: which piece of random garbage cluttering up the neighborhood Starbucks am I?
Whether you’re an exploded straw or spilled sugar crystals, you’ve come to the right place.
Whether it’s your teenage cousin or that dude from Tinder who added you, we all know someone blowing up Facebook with vague statuses. Sure, they could just confront the person they’re mad at. But then everyone wouldn’t get to enjoy guessing who they’re talking about!
So which of these passive-aggressive, poorly spelled Facebook statuses best captures your personality? Take our quiz to find out!
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Do you ever think about how the Sorting Hat was kind of… judgy? We know that was its job but still. Don’t have to be a butt-hole about it.
This hard-hitting sketch from writer Crystal Franceschini and director Stephanie Pressman gets right to the truth. That hat was a jerk. And your childhood was a lie.
Two time Emmy-nominated short form series. A typical workplace comedy. About abortion. Filmed with an all-female crew. Watch the full season on the WhoHaha app!