Ask A Girl: The Potty Posse

In this episode of Ask A Girl, Elizabeth Banks gets down to business. Bathroom business, that is. In answer to the question ‘why do women always go to the bathroom in packs’, Banks spills all our secrets. We’d be mad at her for revealing that we all go to gossip and share togetherness time, but she’s just so dang funny that we can’t get irked.

Weekly Roundup of the Funniest Freakin Tweets

Don’t mind us, we’re just sitting here pondering why Friday afternoons go like 649 times slower than every other day…

While you wait for the weekend to fiiiinally kick off, enjoy these fresh n tasty tweets from funny women!


This is one gritty reboot we would absolutely see.




Where oh where is the anxious Frenchie who needs us???


The tale of DMVs greatest revenge against rich assholes.


An unexamined life… sounds really restful right about now actually.


Scuse you, it’s also for my very real and totally existing boyfriend.


Seriously this whole series of Jesus/Judas tweets is pure ???


It’s like Christmas for adults!!


Wow that’s actually kind of beautiful, Connie plz write a self-help book.


This joke is DEEPLY upsetting but also 100% accurate.


Oh damn, gotta show this tweet to all our ex-boyfriends.




Don’t be fooled – this is the perfect interview power play.


Woah wait we just realized that cats are trying to non-stop murder everything they like.


But no, by all means, more hot takes on movies from 2005 please.



Oh God nooooooo!!!


The best thing we can all do for feminism is to start calling him ‘reformed stripper Channing Tatum’ all the time.