We All Need More Margaret Cho

Ask us how much we love Margaret Cho. GO AHEAD ASK US. We love her so much, we just had to make a whole playlist of some of our favorite moments of Cho-ness.

She inspires us because she’s a brilliant comedian, a great actor, a badass activist, an outspoken feminist, and an important mentor for Asian-American comics and creative women. She brought conversations about mental health into the mainstream and she’s been a trailblazer all her career.  Also, she’s so god-damn funny it hurts. So snuggle up and enjoy spending a lil time with Queen Margaret.

Ali Wong’s New Special is the Realest

Ali Wong’s standup has always been fire, but her newest Netflix special Baby Cobra is like nothing else that’s ever been made. If you’re looking to see a seven and a half month pregnant woman twerk, rip on racism and misogyny, discuss humping dolphins and describe marriage in gross detail, this one is for you. What a time to be aliiiiiive!