We can honestly say that this video from Future Wives is one of the weirdest silent films we’ve ever seen. So relatable, so horrifying. Truly a masterpiece.

Point your Snapchat camera at this image to follow Whohaha!
My Nails Are Wet from Future Wives on Vimeo.
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to text back. So for all those times that ‘K’ or ‘???’ won’t cut it, we present to you the perfect gifs from Tarantino movies for every textual relationship.
Friend: We going out tonight?
Rando: U up?
Friend: Um Jamie and Ryan just got engaged!
Friend: He broke up with me ?
Friend: Did you hear that new Rihanna single?
Roommate: Oops is rent due today I forgot?
Rando: I don’t think women are as funny as men.
Two time Emmy-nominated short form series. A typical workplace comedy. About abortion. Filmed with an all-female crew. Watch the full season on the WhoHaha app!