Lean In, Ladies! Whoa Not That Much.

Women always have to apologize for taking up space and stating our minds! And we’re not doing it anymore! Unless that makes us sound like bitches, in which case we’ll definitely apologize. Sorry. The insane balancing act that every femme person does all the time is perfectly parodied by this sketch from College Humor and Rekha Shankar.

And for real, sorry if this post came off too harsh. We’re just such spazzes sometimes!

Ladies, Lean In To That Office Holiday Party!

Ah, work holiday parties. The awkward small talk, the mediocre snacks, the relentless goddamn flirting. Something about the frost in the air makes male co-workers think now is the time to give you a ‘friendly’ massage or ask what kind of sex stuff you and your boyfriend are in to. Fortunately the Lean In Ladies made this guide to avoiding unwanted advances during office holiday parties. Remember, meat is your friend!

Even On Vacation We Have To Lean In

It’s rough out there for a high powered businesswoman. Your pantsuits have to be crisp, your updo has to be sleek, your phone has to stay attached to your ear at all times. It’s exhausting! And if you’re Shanna Shrum (aka the Life of the Pahty), even vacation doesn’t set you free.

Lady Pep Talk (aka When ‘Lean In’ Goes Too Far)

If the words “pizza” and “patriarchy” get your blood boiling, just wait until you watch Keli Dailey’s satirical sketch. She poses the question, “Must women always lean in?” What if a woman just doesn’t want to pick the toppings of a pizza?!