All the best TV shows are back, Halloween is nigh, and it’s almost the weekend. Is this what heaven is like?
We would say it can’t get any better, except that today is also the day that you get to read our tweet round-up! Are you #blessed, or what??
That's my service bong.
— ʆℴ Ɗเ꒸꒸เƚყ (@WhaJoTalkinBout) October 26, 2017
— Lisa Hanawalt (@lisadraws) October 21, 2017
i walked into trader joe’s carrying a whole foods bag & everyone started west side story snapping
— keely flaherty (@flahertykeely) October 19, 2017
Terrible News Has Taken Place Somewhere I Visited On Holiday Once: The Social Media Chronicle
— dr. dalia ☥? (@DALIAMALEK) October 22, 2017
It would be super dope if Justin Timberlake brought out Janet Jackson and let her expose his dick. It’s 2017 and this is a good idea
— Chelsea Devantez (@chelseadevantez) October 23, 2017
Me outside Anthropologie: Consumerism must be destroyed.
Me inside Anthropologie: Oooooo— AVC? (@annevclark) October 26, 2017
Me: *drinks one glass of water*
Me 10 seconds later: I should def have clear skin any minute now.— Lilly Singh (@IISuperwomanII) October 19, 2017
there are future zac efron movie love interests that haven’t been born yet
— jamie loftus (@hamburgerphone) October 20, 2017
Pope Francis up in here puttin’ the ‘lit’ in liturgical.
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) October 26, 2017
Aliens: we want to study ur kind. take us to ur leader
Americans:(nervous)haha what um no well see here’s the thing uh now’s not a good time— Mr. Sweet Girl (@KimmyMonte) October 19, 2017
I got into an argument w a man who called me a “fucking bitch.” I wish men knew that won’t work. “Taylor Swift Fan” is what would cut deep
— Rae Sanni (@raesanni) October 22, 2017
Not to be dramatic but I think about this Britney spears wall every single day
— missing fabergé egg (@boring__angel) October 25, 2017
Did Ursula fuck those eels
— Marlo Meekins (@MarloMeekins) October 25, 2017
I fell asleep at a party where they were playing Planet Earth and its the safest I’ve felt in months.
— Katelyn Hempsdead (@KatelynUrFriend) October 22, 2017
how do buzzfeed writers have the energy to feel this much all the time?
— eve peyser (@evepeyser) October 25, 2017