Ep. 33 – Mo Alexander: An Old School Kinky Dude
Ep. 33 – Mo Alexander: An Old School Kinky Dude
The incomparable Mo Alexander graced us with his presence for this episode. We talk to Mo about how he figured out he was kinky, what its like to be a sadist, going to gay bars in Memphis, TN at age 16 so he could drink underage, Tennessee bondage clubs, how he things about being a sadist, and so so much more. Mo also asks Austin about her Star Wars fantasies, and gives Arielle advice on going to kink parties in ATX as well as encourages them to finally eat some ass. There is also talk of vampires, hitting Ted Cruz in the face with a poop filled sock, octopuses in vaginas, and when you should laugh at farts and queefs during sex.
As always your hosts are Austin Smartt & Arielle Issac Norman.