Dirty Girl

Can't get enough of celebrating how dirty women are? Well, get your vagina havers' excited because it's time for season 3 of Dirty Girl, baby! Dirty Girl, the podcast where women talk to women about their disgusting habits, taboo secrets, and unruly pastimes, makes its disgusting return! And we are here for it. Listen on the WhoHaha app!

Diva Cup Showdown

November 1, 2018

Diva Cup Showdown

Dirty Girl

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We are doing things a little differently this week. Heather has these couple of guys who basically live in her cupboard, so she decided to sit them down and test their knowledge of menstrual products. And the results may shock you! Or they may not. Spoiler alert: the guys were not that knowledgeable on the subject! After that, Heather spoke to Andrea to get the real skinny on what using a Diva Cup is like. Let the showdown begin!

Thanks to Andrea for dropping by the show! The men who live in Heather’s cupboard didn’t have much of a choice.

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What say you??? dirtygirlpodcast@gmail.com. I’m listening mah babies!

HOSTED BY: Heather Ann GottliebDGP TEAM: Cameron Tagge, Alex Salem, Tristen BankstonGRAPHICS: Kevin Laughlin
