You Can Tell Me Anything

Do you love to hear juicy stories or someone spilling the beans? Want to hear about someone getting catfished, sabotaging a roommate, or ghosting an ex? Then we got the podcast for you! Get your popcorn ready and tune into "You Can Tell Me Anything" with Teresa Lee to hear all the rants, apologies, and secrets! Listen on the WhoHaha app!

Congratulations Jacquis Neal! Part 1

June 9, 2021

Congratulations Jacquis Neal! Part 1

You Can Tell Me Anything

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Congratulations Jacquis! In the premiere episode of this mini-series, Teresa congratulates comedian and former YCTMA guest Jacquis Neal on his achievements this week. Listen to his new reality show podcast on Headgum called "The Cast" and check out the mixtape sketch Teresa and Jacquis shot before the pandemic closed LA down in 2020 on Teresa's IGTV @teresaleebot.
