Mattel Presents: Baby Weight Barbie

There’s one type of body that Mattel forgot about in their new inclusive line of Barbies, and it’s the one society seems to dump on the most: post-partum squish. Yes if you have a body that looks like you actually squeezed a baby out of it, apparently you’re doing something wrong. And Barbie sympathizes! This depressing ad brought to you by the hilarious creator Beth Benson.

Commuter Barbie Is Everything

They prob could have just called her Millennial Barbie, because with the macchiato and the tote bag and the ‘urban ears’ she’s basically just us on a Tuesday. This parody ad from Carina Hsieh and Claudia Arisso has us rolllllling, and also wishing we could buy a Commuter Barbie for all our little nieces. Manspreaders, beware!