OMG Back To School Butt Cuts Totally Suck

Sure, back to school season is fun for the first couple of weeks. But then everyone gets over the new school year and gets catty again! Like how another girl will totally Frankenstein your cute butt that you worked so hard for over the summer. Ugh, as if!

We’ve got another gem for ya from giant weirdos Shannon Brown, Taylor Cox, and Kristen Henley. You keep doing you bbz.


A Teenage Genius. A Cartoon Alien. The Greatest Talent Show Ever.

Look, we want to tell you all about Leigh Lahav’s new animated short. But we can’t, because we’re dead of chronic cuteness overload.

This video is too damn precious, and we want a Jel of our very own. Also it’s not full of cuss words like our usual videos, so show it to all your teenage inventor nieces and tell them to be a little more Sabrina-y. In fact, let’s all try to be a little more Sabrina-y!