TBT: A Very Clinton Halloween Party

And now for a truly spooky throwback! Circa the dark and mystical days of 2007, SNL did a dead-on political sketch featuring kween Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton. Omg remember when we thought she was gonna be the ’08 nominee? And when Obama didn’t have white hair? And when Kristen Wiig was just playing ‘the wife’ in sketches? Truly a different, more innocent time.

Sarah Paulson Is America’s Spooky Sweetheart

Yeah duh Sarah Paulson is talented. Everyone knows she blew all our minds as Marcia Clark on OJ, and her work on American Horror Story is pure gold. But y’all, she’s also funny as all hell.

Here’s hoping she gets a chance to make the funnies in this upcoming season of AHS, because these interviews and clips prove she’s got the chops. Keep slaying, Sarah P.