Merry Christmas, Will Byers

Alright it’s after Thanksgiving, let the holiday comedy begin. Our forever woman crush Leigh Lahav co-wrote and animated this amazing tribute to Charlie Brown and Stranger Things with collaborator Oren Mendez, and it’s just everything we like in one dark festive package.

Oh also the pint-size voice actors are Alex Jebb Quine, Dylan Neumeyer, Nicholas Polley, and Rylan Bailey. At their age we were pretty much only good for opening up Otter-Pops wrong, honestly mad that they’re that talented.

Idiotsitter Is Coming Back For A Second Season!!!1!

Idiotsitter is our very favorite show where one woman babysits another adult woman. And they just announced that it’s getting renewed for a second season!!

So let’s all celebrate with this clip from the first season where Billy interviews for the job of babysitting Gene. Charlotte Newhouse and Jillian Bell are so perfect together it’s ridiculous.