The Greatest Danger From The Debate…

Sure, we’re all worried about communicable diseases like Zika and West Nile Virus and like mono or whatever. But not a lot of people know about the terrible affliction you can catch just from watching the debates. Thank GAWD for Arielle Siegel and Molly Anne Coogan, who created this PSA from the CDC on the signs and symptoms of this threat to our health.

Get Your Pantsuit On, It’s Debatin’ Time

Tonight’s the night! The two presidential candidates are going toe-to-toe (or we guess big hair to big hair) in the first official debate. We truly cannot wait for the live-tweet storm that’s about to break.

But in the few hours left, let’s all huddle around our laptops and enjoy this throwback sketch featuring two of the greatest comedians ever taking down sexism in politics.