Weekly Roundup Of The Funniest Tweets

Whether you’re snowed under or sweating out the drought, we know you need some tasty tweets to make it through the weekend. In fact, you deserve great tweets every week. Why? Because you’re great.

Ok, enjoy!


Also v chill that the answer is usually ‘yes’!


Except that now we’re all witches so at least there’s that.


“Idk like be more evil somehow??” – Shkreli to his empty house




God damn so true. And also comment on how on-topic the piano songs are.


Finally, a show for the fellas!


Nah girl you’re good.


Yeah, tweets like ‘you’re garbage’ and ‘no one respects you’ and that one tweet of his face looking extra stupid. Be a shame if everyone reading this right now tweeted those things.


Aka self-care.


It’s a matter of principle!


Boy bye!*

*Time is the boy.


We’d watch the hell out of that with a glass of rosé.




10/10 for this perfect tweet.


And just like the Avengers, we gotta build better armor and recruit some cool sassy teens to the cause.

Stop Everything, There’s a British Buffy

Ok let’s be fair, it’s not just a British Buffy. It’s called Crazyhead, and it’s like if Girls met Buffy met Difficult People and they all raised a hilarious baby together. But whatever, it’s badass women fighting demons and learning the meaning of friendship and it’s everything we ever wanted in a TV show. The trailer is honestly so exciting. If you’re lucky enough to live in the UK or have access to E4, can we come over and watch it at your house every week?